Sunday, December 16, 2012

This week in grade two....

Homework for Week of December 17th and

Homework for Week of January 7th

Christmas Link:

Language Arts

Read Animals in Winter and vowels poem
Write a summary of your favourite book.
Study spelling words letter Oo and Pp.
Write five sentences using the new spelling words.


Links on graphs
Complete math sheet on graphs.
No math drill this week.

Dear Parents,

Have fun reading together , playing board games, educational games and enjoy all the wonderful things the holidays have to offer.
The more the children read…...the more they learn….the more they grow….the more they discover…and oh the confidence they acquire!
 I would like to thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. Your children are very important to me and I am proud of all their accomplishments.
May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.
Wishing you all the best for the New Year.

Warm Regards,
Mrs. Irene Tsimiklis

Thursday, November 29, 2012

This week in Grade two.....

Homework for December 3rd.... Group 21

Homework for December 10th..... Group 22
 Christmas games:
Language Arts

Read the story World Holidays

Read the holiday words.

Study spelling words Ll, Mm and Nn

Write 5 sentences using your new words.

Write Summary for the story World Holidays or The Perfect Little Christmas Tree from Abra in Students' stories section.


Complete Fact Families sheets

Complete representing numbers 4 different ways sheet.

No Math drill this week:)

Math Outline for test:

Students have been working on the following concepts:

Fact families

Place Value:  Representing numbers in tens and ones.

Odd and even numbers

Ordering numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest

Ordinal numbers 1st, 5th etc...
Test will be on Friday.

Math websites for practice:)


Saturday, November 17, 2012

This week in Grade two....

Language Arts

Home Reading. Reader's theatre: Where the wild thing are

No spelling words this week due to short week.

Read the story The Little Red Hen on Abra.  Write a summary of the story.


Use the websites provided to practice fact families and Place value.

Complete one math drill each night.

Complete math sheet on tens and ones.


Have a great weekJ

Friday, November 2, 2012

Homework Nov. 5th-16th,2012

This week in grade two....

Language Arts

Read Where The Wild Things Are.
Write a book report on this story.
Study Spelling words, I, J and K (knot, knew, know, knee)
Write five sentences using your spelling words.


Drill sheet-one each night.
Complete math sheet on fact families.

On line Math
Fact Families

Base blocks

Have a great week.
Mrs. Tsimiklis

Friday, October 19, 2012

This week in grade two....

Homework Oct. 22nd-Nov. 2nd, 2012
Halloween Fun website:

The students are learning about estimation.

Here are a few things they will try to figure out this week:

Can you try to guess how many smarties are in jar #1 and #3?
Can you estimate how many jelly beans are in jar #2 and jar #4?
Students will have a chance to make some estimations this week. 
The winners will get to take the candy home:)) Good Luck to all:)


Language Arts

Read Halloween poems and Halloween words.
Study spelling words Gg and Hh.
Write five sentences using the new spelling words.


Complete one drill sheet each night.
Study math facts up to plus 4.
Complete math problem sheet.

Please sign up for Classdojo

Saturday, October 6, 2012

This week in grade two....

I can move like........

Oct 9th- 19th , 2012
Every Night
Language Arts
Home reading. Read new story
I can move like on abracadabra. The username is the child’s name and the password is your address. (or 123).   If you do not have internet access please advise me so I can give you a hard copy of the assignment.
Study power word letter Ee and Ff. Write five sentences using your new spelling words.  
Review math concepts taught this month.  Please refer to math outline. Complete one math drill sheet per night. Make sure to time yourself. Please do not do the Friday column as it will always be used as a quiz.
Math Test this week ( please note that all the concepts were covered in class..just look overJ) Please note fact families concept will not be in the test!
Read Math vocabulary words for problems solving.
Hope you had a great ThanksgivingJ
Spelling test on Friday.
Have a great weekend.




Homework information on:

Math outline is on blog, too. 

Math Outline

This month we covered:
-Patterns. Creating a pattern
-Growing and shrinking pattern. (Increasing or decreasing)
Example:  complete the following patterns
                  2, 4, 6, 8 ___
                  10, 13, 16, 19, ___
                  20, 25, 30, ____
-Attributes in a pattern.
 (How the pattern is changing size, shape, colour etc…)
-Pattern core:  which part of the pattern repeats?
-counting by 10’s, 2’s, 3’s and 5’s
Digits:  0, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
-Recognizing one digit and two digit numbers.
 5= one digit
25= two digit
Addition and Subtraction:
Plus one
Plus 2
Example:  7 +7 =
                  8+2 =
Problem Solving:
-Using T-charts to solve complex problems
If I am making 7 toy tricycles, how many wheels will I need?
Tricycles                                     Wheels




Monday, September 24, 2012

Language Arts and Mathematics Homework
Week of September 24th-Oct. 4th
Group 21 and Group 22!

Homework for the week



Language Arts:

- Read Caps for Sale & record in your R-A-H log (Read At Home Log).
- Write 5 spelling sentences with your spelling words Cc and Dd.
-Study spelling words Cc and Dd. Test will be on Tursday
 Correct and sign test.
-Complete Contraction worksheet.


-Complete math problem sheet.
-try to use a T-chart
-go on bob's link for more math practice on patterns.
-Math drill sheet. Complete one per night.
Don’t forget to time yourself!
Picture Day
Thursday October 4th, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Homework Sept-10th-21st

Message for Group 22
 Please note that all the homework for this week is due on Thursday. 
 Friday is a Ped. Day:)
Have a great week!

Every Night
Home-reading.  Study spelling words.
Language Arts:
Re-read the story Getting ready for school.  Study spelling words Aa and Bb.  Test on Friday.Write five sentences using your spelling words.
Gym on Tuesday and Thursday Group 21
Complete math sheet on patterns.
Complete math facts sheet, one each night.  Remember to time yourself.
 Open House is on Tuesday September 11thth, 2012.

Dear Parents,

 The students will be receiving a new homework sheet every Monday; the homework is due on Friday. The homework will be explained and corrected at the end of the week.  Most spelling tests are on Fridays except on short weeks or where not enough notice is given.  The power spelling duo tang can be left at home so that the students have ample amount of time to study for the tests. More information will be given out on Tuesday September 11th, 2012.

I would like to introduce our student teacher, Miss Kesbian from McGill University.  She will be with us until December.

Welcome to Grade Two!

Yours in Education,

Mrs. Tsimiklis