Thursday, November 29, 2012

This week in Grade two.....

Homework for December 3rd.... Group 21

Homework for December 10th..... Group 22
 Christmas games:
Language Arts

Read the story World Holidays

Read the holiday words.

Study spelling words Ll, Mm and Nn

Write 5 sentences using your new words.

Write Summary for the story World Holidays or The Perfect Little Christmas Tree from Abra in Students' stories section.


Complete Fact Families sheets

Complete representing numbers 4 different ways sheet.

No Math drill this week:)

Math Outline for test:

Students have been working on the following concepts:

Fact families

Place Value:  Representing numbers in tens and ones.

Odd and even numbers

Ordering numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest

Ordinal numbers 1st, 5th etc...
Test will be on Friday.

Math websites for practice:)


Saturday, November 17, 2012

This week in Grade two....

Language Arts

Home Reading. Reader's theatre: Where the wild thing are

No spelling words this week due to short week.

Read the story The Little Red Hen on Abra.  Write a summary of the story.


Use the websites provided to practice fact families and Place value.

Complete one math drill each night.

Complete math sheet on tens and ones.


Have a great weekJ

Friday, November 2, 2012

Homework Nov. 5th-16th,2012

This week in grade two....

Language Arts

Read Where The Wild Things Are.
Write a book report on this story.
Study Spelling words, I, J and K (knot, knew, know, knee)
Write five sentences using your spelling words.


Drill sheet-one each night.
Complete math sheet on fact families.

On line Math
Fact Families

Base blocks

Have a great week.
Mrs. Tsimiklis