Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week of February 1st-8th, 2010


Home-reading. Log in all the information you are reading on the Olympics.

Read information on the Olympics and answer comprehension questions.

Complete math sheet on double digit addition.

No new spelling words this week.

Work on your project.

Project on the Olympics

Children will be given the instructions for their oral presentation on the Olympics. The students will be given the opportunity to discuss any part of the winter Olympics. They may decide to talk about an athlete or a specific event or even how the winter Olympics began-the possibilities are endless!

They will be asked to prepare a poster and be able to talk for approximately 2-3 minutes on their subject. I do not want the children reading their presentation. They are to inform us and teach us about everything they have learnt.

If the students have any trouble finding out information they can come to me and I will help them or they can visit the Olympics site:
(very good site for grade two students)

Project due on Monday Feb. 22, 2010.

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Tsimiklis

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