Sunday, February 21, 2010

English Language Arts and Mathematics Homework


Home Reading. Be sure to read every night and log it in home reading log.
Watch a bit of the Olympics. GO CANADA GO!

Complete the two math sheets: double digit addition
word problem

Keep practicing the basic facts. Try practicing everyday for 5 minutes. Try using flash cards. You can get some flash cards from the dollar store or you can make your own.
You can also use the basic facts addition and subtraction sheet that was given this week.
Keep using the websites!

Note: Tuesday follows a Monday Schedule. No centers this week!

This week the students will be very busy with their presentations.
There is a school wide play on Tuesday and a Winter Carnival on Wednesday.

Over the March break, I would like you to replenish some school supplies. Some students have no pencils or markers. Please ask your child if he or she needs some supplies.

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful and safe March break!


Mrs. Tsimiklis

1 comment:

  1. Hi grade 2!!!
    I would like to wish all of you a good break. If any of you are traveling don't forget to bring back some sun for the rest of us! Also in the spirit of the olympics don't forget to cheer on team Canada. The men's hockey team beat Russia 7-3 in last night's game. Way to go!

    Have fun,
    miss Abrakian
