Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dear Parents,

There will be no more homework sheets.  Hurrah!

However, over the summer months I would like to encourage all of the students to read regularly.  Have fun reading together and try discussing the stories with them.  The more the children read…...the more they learn….the more they grow….the more they discover…and oh the confidence they acquire!  In addition, try using math in every day situations and keep playing games with basic addition &subtraction facts. Flash cards, five minute drills and car games are great for sharpening their math skills. I have added some multiplication facts if they would like to practice for grade three.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continuous support and encouragement.  Your children are very important to me and we had a fantastic year together! The end of the year always brings a little sadness as they go to the next grade.

I wish you all a wonderful summer filled with happiness and fun!

Enjoy the special time with your family.


Irene Tsimiklis

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