Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 14thth, 2013 ( Group 21) January 21st (Group 22)

This week in grade two.....
Meet Flat StanleyJ
Home reading. Read chapter 2 of Flat Stanley. Please do not leave the book at home .  We will be reading other chapters at school
Study Spelling words Qu and Rr.
Read Canadian Anthem in English and French.
Language Arts:  Write a summary of   chapter one and two of Flat Stanley. Write five sentences using your spelling words.
Math: Complete math sheet on graphs.
Math drill do one each night. Don’t forget to time yourselfJ
Have fun learning about Stanley on lineJ
Please see blog.
All homework is due on Friday. Chapter two reading should be done by Tuesday.
 Spelling Test and Math drill.
Have a great week!
Grade Two teachersJ


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